GRAINIS LTD. 5 Gen. Edward Totleben blvd., 1606 Sofia, Bulgaria, cell. +359899171570,
Modified Oxy-Hydrogen (MOH) Gas is being produced by a modified, ultrasonically-activated water electrolysis. Such a modified water electrolysis consumes very little power (0.4Wh/L MOH) which makes the MOH production's cost close to zero. The only consumable for MOH's production is water - fully recyclable. The only waste after MOH's burning is water too. 0% harmful emissions. -
MOH was patented in 2008 and 2011 by the Japanese scientist Dr. Ryushin Omasa as "Ohmasa Gas".
But unlike the Ohmasa Gas, MOH is being produced off-grid.
MOH has the unique property to be safely liquefied at 1bar/-178 deg.C and stored in LNG tanks, unlike the pure Hydrogen, which can be liquefied at much lower temperature of -253 deg.C and cannot be stored in regular LNG tanks because of the ultralow temp, high gas-leakage danger and permeation / embrittlement material destructive effect observed.
No such effects observed with the MOH, after years of storing in CNG or LNG tanks.
In this liquefied form MOH can be successfully used as the safest, lightweight, compact and ultra-dense fuel ( 2.5 times denser than the liquid hydrogen / 167kg/m3 vs 70 kg/m3 H2 ) for various Aircraft's or else Gas-Turbine, Reaction-, or Pulse-Detonation Rocket Engine applications for reaching Hypersonic speeds up and over Mach35+.
Unlike the dual-fuel/oxidizer rocket engines, LMOH contains Hydrogen and Oxygen together in a stoichiometric ratio. MOH needs NO AIR for combustion, because it contains all the Oxygen needed for burning, in its chemical formula. This could be of a great advantage for the aerospace craft's construction by removing from the fuselage the air-breathing Inlets, causing a significant DRAG force and else negative effects on the aircraft's aerodynamic properties.
Unlike the dual-fuel/oxidizer rocket engines, LMOH contains Hydrogen and Oxygen together in a stoichiometric ratio. MOH needs NO AIR for combustion, because it contains all the Oxygen needed for burning, in its chemical formula. This could be of a great advantage for the aerospace craft's construction by removing from the fuselage the air-breathing Inlets, causing a significant DRAG force and else negative effects on the aircraft's aerodynamic properties.
The MOH-Fueled Hypothetical Aircraft shown on the sketch above, could combine the Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) option, with supersonic and even hypersonic cruise speeds.
In some moment, the MOH Gas Elecric (or pneumatic-thrust) Propellers and the MOH Turbofan Engines (closed for air), will work together, then Propellers will be switched-off and covered by several parallel aileron-like Lids. Thus no drag force will be added and aircraft (depending on its shape and its engines' power), could reach supersonic and even hypersonic speeds.
The super-dense Liquefied MOH Gas Fuel will provide all the extreme power needed, stored in the compactest room possible.
The combined VTOL option is much safer then the standard, horizontal takeoff and landing.
Such a craft will be able to Auto-Rotate as a Helicopter during an emergency landing for example .
Also the speed of takeoff will be much lower and safer. The horrible crash with the last CONCORDE supersonic airplane for example could never happen and all the passengers would be alive now, if this plane has had such a technical option.
Also, the Noise of the supersonic engines is extremely strong, so the electric or pneumatic propellers will offer much quieter decibels and almost noiseless takeoff for slowly getting off the urban zone and taking on height, till reaching the point for pumping up the full power of the main super / hypersonic turbofans. The same silence will be performed during the landing too.
Drones could be equipped with Liquid MOH Gas Tanks and compact MOH Gas Turbines with Power Generatrors, which will increase tremendously their flight range, speed and load capacity. A LMOH-Fueled Drone will be able to fly for days unlike the battery - driven drones, which fly for minutes.
Also, MOH Gas expands 1,868 times when detonates, so it's continuous-portions expanding can be used as a Reaction Thrust for driving Pneumatic Propellers, which will need no Power Generator and Electric Motors as an additional, heavy and useless Load.
Gas turbine produces both reactive thrust and rotation power.
Reactive thrust can be directed through adjustable, vectoring nozzles, similar to the Harrier Fighter's ones, for the aircraft's combined vertical lifting/lending and horizontal propulsion (VTOL).
Additionally, the Gas Turbine's Rotation Shaft can drive an Alternator for Electricity generation, for supplying electric-motor propellers, which our aircraft could be additionally equipped with.
Electric-Motor Propellers are a moderate, low-noise and suitable vertical-lifting/lending option, perfectly applicable for smaller, individual aircrafts for everyday usage, inside, or close to residential areas.
After climbing to a higher altitude by the quiet electric propellers, the Aircraft's Reactive Engine can be accelerated to it's full power for aircraft's full-speed motion.
Modified Oxygen-Hydrogen (MOH) Liquefied Gas could be used as a compact, safe and lightweight fuel for Continuous Pulse-Detonation Rocket / Missile Engines as well, for reaching ultrahigh Hypersonic Speeds over 25 Mach.
MOH / MHHO HYBRID JET ENGINE with combined gas-turbine / electric motor propulsion, for vertical / horizontal motion
MOH doesn’t need Oxygen to burn - all the O2 needed for combustion, is contained in the MOH’s formula.
This property could remove the air inlets off the Hypersonic Aircraft, to lower the drag force & weight, and to extremely increase its speed & maneuverability in air with significant fuel savings .